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Сompanies that manufacture deep foundation products and equipment.



For over 70 years, Liebherr has represented a vast and continuously evolving array of advanced products and services. Their offerings are characterized by practicality, extensive experience, and a consistent commitment to high quality, ensuring tangible benefits for customers across all product categories. Liebherr’s expertise extends to a wide range of construction equipment, including drilling rigs […] Read More



We are dedicated to vibro technology, finding our passion in developing innovative machinery. Our mission revolves around inventing sustainable solutions. Fueled by our passion for innovation, optimization, and enhancement, along with our extensive expertise, shared experiences with our customers, we proudly affirm that we are PVE, recognized as the Dutch Masters in Vibro Technology. The […] Read More



TEI Rock Drills holds the top position as a manufacturer specializing in excavator drill attachments, components for rock drills, and drill rigs tailored for limited access. Our exceptional drilling platform seamlessly integrates TEI drilling technology with the sturdiest soil and rock drilling components within the construction industry. Read More
