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Сompanies that manufacture deep foundation products and equipment.



For over 70 years, Liebherr has represented a vast and continuously evolving array of advanced products and services. Their offerings are characterized by practicality, extensive experience, and a consistent commitment to high quality, ensuring tangible benefits for customers across all product categories. Liebherr’s expertise extends to a wide range of construction equipment, including drilling rigs […] Read More

Mait S.p.A.

Mait S.p.A.

Located in Osimo, within the province of Ancona, Italy, MAIT stands as a prominent entity in the foundation equipment sector. We boast a dynamic organization with dedicated teams in Italy and abroad, extending our influence to various foreign countries. MAIT holds a distinctive position as the sole provider of products in this expansive industry, entirely […] Read More



Continuous investment in innovation and leveraging the expertise of their staff is a daily commitment for the company. Research and development form the core of their operations, enabling them to design novel solutions that meet the evolving demands of a competitive market. Their reach extends across Italy and internationally, fostered by dedicated dealers, satisfied customers, […] Read More



Indeed, while there are numerous large and powerful piling machines available, there is a growing demand for equipment suitable for construction sites with restricted access and limited working space. These environments require specialized solutions to efficiently and effectively carry out foundation and piling tasks. Compact and versatile piling machines are vital in such scenarios, ensuring […] Read More
